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Default Data Filtering Shortcode

Default Data Filtering Shortcode feature allows you to quickly and easily display just the rows you want to show by providing a simple filter text in the table shortcode. In this case, you should filter the data created earlier in the table.

Default Data Filtering Shortcode is a Pro Feature!

For instance, say you have a table with lots of movie data, and you want to show the rows that only contain Adventure. This can be previously done in only one possible way- your user had to search for Adventure movies manually, given that you have allowed the Search / Filter options in your table.

However, the Default Data Filtering feature allows you as an admin to set default filtering options in a table containing a huge amount of data.

Data Filtering Shortcode Usage #

Regarding this, we also included more practical features. Please double-check the usage.

Simple #

[ninja_tables id="TABLEID" filter="john smith"]

This will show the rows which contain john smith.


Make a query more specific by separating additional parts with a capitalized AND string.

[ninja_tables id="TABLEID" filter="john AND smith"]

This would match all rows containing both john AND smith.

OR #

Expand a query by separating additional parts with a capitalized OR string.

[ninja_tables id="TABLEID" filter="john OR smith"]

This would match all rows containing both john OR smith.

Negate #

Exclude a value from the results by prefixing it with a minus  sign.

[ninja_tables id="TABLEID" filter="john -smith"]

This would match all rows containing the word john but would exclude any containing smith.

Make a query more specific by separating additional parts with a capitalized AND string.

Phrases #

Match an exact word or phrase by wrapping it in quotes (” “).

[ninja_tables id="TABLEID" filter='"brown fox"']

The above query would match all rows containing the exact phrase brown fox.

You can quickly use your site’s standard data filtering shortcode by reading this article!

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