Rowspan/Merge Rows

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The Rowspan feature enables numerous cells of conjoining rows to be merged into a single row. Merge rows in a data table easily in Ninja Tables.

Let’s dive into this simple guide to learn how to use this feature in your table.

Merge Table Rows #

  • First, go to the table where you want to apply this feature. Then go to the Custom CSS/JS option of the table.

  • Copy and paste the code from this file into the Custom Javascript option.

  • Don’t forget to click on the Save Custom Javascript button.
github link in custom JS
Custom Javascript

  • Now, go to the table column where you want to combine two rows and click the settings button of that column.

A pop-up will arrive, select the Advanced Settings and type ”combine” into the Extra Classes field. Click the Update button to save the changes.

  • Now you’ll see the rows containing similar data in cells will merge into one big data cell automatically.


This is how you can create a Rowspan in your Ninja Tables and merge table rows.

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