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Styled List Element (Pro)

Ninja Tables Drag and Drop has a list element in the free version. It’s enough to create simple lists. But if you want a more attractive list, you will need more customization options. Ninja Tables offers an advanced element called “Styled List,” which is only available as a pro element.

Let’s add a Styled List element to our Ninja Tables!
Just drag and drop the element in your table, and that’s it.

From the menu on the left side, you can see multiple customization options for this element.

Properties of Styled List #

ScopeOption NameType
GeneralSpace Between Icon and TextNumeric Value, drag bar
AlignmentLeft, Center, and Right
TextFont ColorGraphical Color Selection
Font SizeNumeric Value, drag bar
Item SpacingNumeric Value, drag bar
Font StyleBold, Italic & Underline
IconIcon ColorGraphical Color Selection
Icon SizeNumeric Value, drag bar
Choose IconUpload from Computer
Icon LibrarySelection from Library

General Options #

Styled list drag and drop

  1. Space Between Icon and Text: You can add space or gap between the Icons and List Items. By default, It is set to 0.

  1. Alignment: You can align the Styled List to the left, right, or center. By default, it is set to Center.

Text Options #

Styled List element
  1. Font Color: You can change the color of the text. By default, it is set to Black.
  2. Font Size: You can change the size of the text. By default, it is set to 15.
  3. Item Spacing: You can change the space vertically between list items. By default, it is set to 19.
  4. Font Style: You can change the Font Style orientations. Available options are Bold, Italic, and Underline.

Icon Options #

Stylied list icon

  1. Icon Color: You can change the color of the Icon. By default, it is set to Black.
  2. Icon Size: You can change the size of the Icon. By default, it is set to 15
  3. Choose Icon: You can upload your own image as an Icon to the table by uploading it from your computer or media dashboard.
  4. Icon Library: There are plenty of Icons to choose from in the Ninja Tables Styled List.

Conclusion #

A product table or a table that shows multiple features would look bland if you don’t use any icons in the list. Styled list element in Ninja Tables drag and drop mode helps you create a dynamic data table.

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