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Progress Bar (Pro)

Progress Bar, also known as “Circle Rating,” is only available in the Ninja Tables Drag and Drop module as a pro element.

It shows progress status, availability, reviews, and statistical values in linear and circular formats, which are far more attractive than regular styles.

Progress bar element

You can add such a beautiful element by dragging it to your desired cell in Ninja Tables drag and drop.

Let’s add the Progress Bar element to our table.

Properties of Progress Bar Element #

Progress TypeLinear, Circular, and Dashboard.
ColorGraphical Color Select
Text Font SizeNumeric Value, drag bar
Progress Bar PercentageNumeric Value, drag bar
Progress Bar WidthNumeric Value, drag bar
Progress Bar ThicknessNumeric Value, drag bar
AlignmentLeft, Center, and Right
  1. Progress Type: You can change the type of the Progress Element style. Available options are Linear, Circular, and Dashboard. The most used version is circular. By default, it is set to Circle.
  2. Color: You can change the Color of the Progress Element. By default, it is set to Black.
  3. Text Font Size: You can change the Text Size of the Progress Element. By default, it is set to 15
  4. Progress Bar Percentage: You can even change the percentage of the Progress Bar. By default, it is set to 50%.
  5. Progress Bar Width: You can change the width(size) of the Progress Bar. By default, it is set to 100.
  6. Progress Bar Thickness: You can even change the thickness of the Progress Bar to make it thicker or thinner.
  7. Alignment: You can align the Progress Bar to the left, right, or center. By default, it is set to Center.

Conclusion #

In the example image shown above, we’ve used all 3 types of Progress Bar elements. In that product table, circle, line, and dashboard progress bars show the available stocks of the products. But this element can also show progress of a certain project, how far people have read a book, or how good/bad the reviews are.

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