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The Sorting Method is one of the essential features of the Other tab.

Move to the Select Sorting Method option to sort table data in various ways.

sorting method in ninja tables
Sorting Method

The sorting Method has three options – By Created at, By Column, and Manual Sort.

By Column #

From the dropdown, you can choose any Column as per your needs. You can also choose Sort type by selecting ascending or Descending way.

data table sorting by column

By Created at #

In this option, two sort types are available – Show New Items First & Show Old Items First.

data table sorting by created at

Manual Sort #

You can sort the table data from Table Rows manually. Click the Sort Manually checkbox to enable sorting the data using the drag-and-drop feature.

Sort Table Column Manually

This is how easily anyone can utilize the Sorting Method!


  1. Hi,
    Is there a way to have the default (when first displayed) sorted by multiple columns?
    For example, I have 3 ACF/CPT fields (Section, Lot, Plot), and I can select Section, in the table options, which works, but the other columns are unsorted.

    Any help, even a code snippet would be appreciated.

  2. I’m still very new to this and am struggling with the sort feature. My data consists of 1 to 100 rankings by year and some items aren’t in every year. When I sort by descending I correctly get 100, 99, 98, etc. But when I sort by Ascending, I get all the blanks first. Is there a way to have it start at 1?

    1. Hi Kate, all blank cells in the column will be positioned at the top, which is how the ascending order is applied. For more details please contact support, they’ll help you with all the necessary information.

  3. the sorting option is not operating correctly. I am sorting by the time and it will consistenly list one or two time slots out of order. What do you think the issue is and can it be fixed?

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