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Table Settings

You already know Ninja Tables is a great WordPress table builder plugin. This plugin has tons of features that you can use to impress your audience.

In this document, we will discuss the table settings and customization options and see what they can do.

Data Table Settings

Properties of Table Settings #

Option NameType
GeneralCell PaddingNumeric Value
Table AlignmentLeft, Center, and Right
Separate Column/RowsToggle On or Off
Space Between ColumnsNumeric Value
Space Between RowsNumeric Value
Table Container Max WidthToggle On or Off
Table Cell Min Auto WidthNumeric Value
Table Container Max HeightNumeric Value
BackgroundHeader BackgroundGraphical Color Selection
Even Row BackgroundGraphical Color Selection
Odd Row BackgroundGraphical Color Selection
Custom CSSAdd custom CSS
Custom JSAdd custom JS
StickyFirst Row StickyToggle On or Off
First Column StickyToggle On or Off
AccessibilityTable RoleDropdown Selection
BorderTable BorderNumeric Value
Border ColorGraphical Color Selection
Apply Inner BorderToggle On or Off
Header Inner BorderToggle On or Off
Inner Border ColorGraphical Color Selection
Inner Border SizeNumeric Value
Global StyleMargin TopNumeric Value
Font SizeNumeric Value
ColorGraphical Color Selection
Font FamilyDropdown Selection
Export TableSelect FormatDropdown Selection

General #

Cell Padding: Cell padding controls the space between the element and the cell area. By default, it is set to 10.

Table Alignment: You can align the whole table on the page’s left, Center, or Right side.

Separate Columns/Rows: You can also separate the rows or columns. By default, it is set to “Off.”

Space Between Columns: Customize the spaces between columns to display cells as single blocks.

Space Between Rows: Customize the spaces between rows to display cells as single blocks.

Table Container Max Width: Control the maximum width of the table. If the maximum width is lower than the table content, then you will notice a bottom scrollbar to scroll through the data.

Table Cell Min Auto Width: Control the table cell width.

Table Container Max Height: Control the table cell height.

Table cell settings

Background #

Header Background: You can control the header background color from here without going to Background management.

Even Row Background: This option is to control the Even Row background color.

Odd Row Background: This is used to set the background color for even rows.

Table header background

Custom CSS (Pro) #

Just like the Ninja Tables advanced mode, the Drag and Drop table builder gives you the flexibility to customize tables with custom CSS.

Custom CSS in drag and drop

Custom JS (Pro) #

Similarly, the Drag and Drop table builder also gives you the flexibility to further customize tables with custom JS.

Custom JS drag and drop

Sticky (Pro) #

First Row Sticky: You can freeze the first row or make it sticky. If you have to scroll down, you can see which column contains which type of data.

First Column Sticky: You can make the first column sticky as well. This helps if the table is horizontally scrollable.

Accessibility #

Table Role: This option has 4 types of “Table Role.”

table roles
  • Table
  • Presentation
  • List
  • Row Group.

Border #

Table Border: This option enables you to show each cell with a border a boundary. By default, it is set to 2.

Border Color: You can control the color of the border here.

Apply Inner Border: By default, an Inner Border is applied to the table.

Header Inner Border: You can also control whether the Header should have an inner border.

Inner Border Color: The option to control the inner border color.

Inner Border Size: You can also set the inner border size, which is by default set to 3.

drag and drop table border

Global Style #

Margin Top: You can add an additional Top Margin to the table, which is set to 0 by default.

Margin Bottom: You can add an additional Bottom Margin to the table, which is set to 0 by default.

Font Size: The default font size setting is by default set to 15.

Color: You can also define the font color that is set to black by default.

Font Family: You can also select a Font Family for your table from the dropdown, and plenty of fonts are available.

drag and drop table border

Export Table #

One of the most important and helpful options that you can use to export your table to CSV and JSON format. The JSON format is only recognizable by Ninja Tables

Conclusion #

Customize the drag and drop table settings using all these amazing features and options.

Let us know if you have any questions.


  1. Hello,

    Can I sticky the 1st column and 1st row if my data source is coming from Google Sheet?

    If so, how? My options do not look like the options I see above

    1. Hello Cris,
      Thank you for getting in touch with us. I am Answering your questions one by one.
      1. Yes, you can make your first column and first row sticky when your data source is coming from Google Sheets. But for that you have to create your table with our default table builder option using google sheet integration. Follow this tutorial for that:
      2. You will not get these option in our drag and drop module. When you create a table with our default table builder option using google sheet integration you can easily make your table header sticky from the table setting tab. And for the sticky first row you will need to code a bit in your Custom CSS snippet of your table.
      I will suggest you to open a support ticket to get any kind of extended assistance from our 24/7 active support team.
      Thank you.

  2. I have both a sticky header and sticky column selected and neither are working on my drag and drop table. Is there something I need to undo to allow this to work?

    1. Hi Will,

      Thank you for reaching out! If your table height exceeds 750px, the sticky header should function correctly on the backend. However, we need a bit more context to better assist you with this query. Could you please provide additional details, such as a screen recording or screenshot? This will help us understand the issue more clearly and offer a more precise solution.

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